Visions of Spring
Although it did reach the low 30's last night, my plants all appear to have come through unharmed - even the clematis! I was so happy to uncover my gardens this morning and see everyone alert and perky. Hooray! I will have to cover them again tonight since the forecast is calling for 30 degree temperatures tonight, but this should be the last time! I have to go to Mobile next week on business. I really hope we don't have more cold temperatures while I am gone; otherwise, the plants will have to fend for themselves.
I have been enjoying this white bleeding heart for the past couple of weeks. I have always loved this type of plant, even when I was very young. I was startled when the plant died back just after I planted it last summer, but it was mid-summer, and bleeding hearts go dormant in mid-summer. So, if you want to add this to your garden, keep in mind that you will need to have some annuals on hand to fill in the empty spot they will leave. I recommend white impatiens or maybe some caladiums. If you plant the caladiums now, they should be mature by the time the bleeding heart dies back. That's my plan at least.

The plant has lovely foliage too. I was surprised that it grew so large in such a short amount of time. I purchased this from a local nursery.

I planted these tulips two years ago, and they have come up both years. I also planted some of these same tulips in Ohio at my sister's house, my great-aunt's house and at my mother's grave. I hope theirs' are all blooming too.

I did not cover these tulips last night, but they were not harmed by the cold. I love the streaks of red. These are the same tulips that the bunny was munching on earlier this spring.

This is the springtime view from the back porch. That forsythia is just unbelievable, and I love the white blooms of the alpine snowcap. I'm going to plant some more of that this year. It only blooms in the spring, but it is a welcome sight after a long winter!

I am eagerly waiting for the bearded irises to send up their first shoots of color. I purchased some new varieties last fall, and I can't wait to see the show they put on!
I love your white Bleeding Heart. I have one that is pink. I wonder if they come in any other colors.
Nope. Just white and pink. The white ones are supposed to be a little more "high maintenance" than the red ones, but I haven't had a problem with it yet!
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